Simplicity Funeral and Cremation Services at Glackin Chapel is a thoughtful funeral home and cremation service provider in East Windsor, NJ. We continue to serve the East Windsor community with the security of your family. We value families that are in need by creating memorable and lasting tribute for their loved one. Our team is here to listen to all your desires and to make them into reality. Call us today for your funeral home and cremation needs at (609) 448-1801 or visit us at 136 Morrison Ave Hightstown, NJ 08520.
It’s probably true that no one is actually ready to plan the final service arrangements for their loved one. Saying goodbye to a loved one hurts deeply. However, the professional and caring staff at Simplicity Funeral and Cremation Services at Glackin Chapel can help. Whether the death was unexpected, upcoming, or a far distant event, these folks will guide you through the planning process for funeral home and cremations in East Windsor, NJ.
To be heartfelt and meaningful does not mean services need to be complicated. That is why Simplicity Funeral and Cremation Services at Glackin Chapel was created. Services to honor the dead and respectfully care for them are essential. The bereaved who will go on with life in a new chapter can be benefitted deeply by having some sort of goodbye ceremony. Here they can pay their final respects, find a small measure of closure, and begin to heal.
Benefits of a Funeral Service
Since a funeral service is a widespread solution to remembering and honoring the life of a loved one, most of us are familiar with this format, at least a little. A full funeral service package may include:
- A visitation or viewing meeting
- The funeral ceremony at the funeral home, chapel, or another venue
- Final disposition of the remains
As support to grieving individuals, funerals provide an abundant healing space. The journey through loss is just beginning when the funeral occurs. Having an opportunity to see the deceased and say goodbye is thought to more quickly bring about acceptance of this new reality. Those who share this loss also bring support and comfort to one another through this gathering.
Benefits of Cremation Services
A cremation service is a method of preparing the deceased body for final disposition. The body is transformed to the most basic form through exposure to flames in a secure furnace. Cremations are often more cost-effective than intact burial solutions. Many feel that cremation is more environmentally superior than traditional casket burial. This is due to limited land use, the use of non-biodegradable casket and vault materials, or chemicals that are used to prepare the dead for viewing.
Cremations are also very beneficial to those who need more time to plan honoring ceremonies or bring their family together. With cremation, the most time-sensitive portion of the end-of-life arrangements can be handled right away. Honoring events such as memorial services can be held weeks or months in the future whenever the timing works best.
Cremation also opens up the possibilities for final disposition. The resulting ashes from cremation can be kept in one or multiple urns to be displayed or kept nearby living loved ones. The ashes might be scattered in a cremation garden or a beloved natural setting. The cremains could undoubtedly be buried in an urn plot at a cemetery as well. There are many unique final forms that cremated remains have taken.
Best of Both: Choosing Funeral Home and Cremations in East Windsor, NJ
For those who wish to hold a traditional funeral service but avoid intact burial of the remains, both options can be chosen. If this is desired, the funeral is held first. The body will lie in repose at the events in a clean, rented casket. As the funeral services conclude, the remains are transferred to the crematory for the cremation procedure to commence. In this way, a funeral home and cremations in East Windsor, NJ, can be handled for the same individual.
Advanced Planning
Planning for your own needed future services is a great gift you can give your loved ones. Taking time to make these plans in advance can also bring peace of mind to you. Who knows you better than you do? This can be introspective and done over a period of time. Online pre-planning forms make this process something you can come back to reflect on. Of course, a meeting with a qualified pre-planner will also be a fantastic way to record your desires.
Death need not be on the horizon to make this plan either. If death is not expected to occur for many years hence, the arrangements can be revised over time if desires or options change. Incidentally, if one needs to move from the area where pre-planning has been done, the plans can easily be transferred to a different funeral home. Make your plans. Leave instructions in your final documents to support your loved ones after you pass.
Come Meet Us
If you are considering who to retain for the planning of funeral home and cremations in East Windsor, NJ, we invite you to come and meet us. At Simplicity Funeral and Cremation Services at Glackin Chapel, our competent and compassionate professionals are ready to support you. Located at 136 Morrison Ave Hightstown, NJ 08520, stop by or call (609) 448-1801 to arrange an appointment.
Funeral Home & Cremations FAQs
How soon after death is cremation?
The usual time to cremate a loved one is two weeks after the death, however, what happens to your loved one's ashes after death is influenced by where and how they died.
Why is it important to pre-plan your funeral?
By pre-planning your funeral, you can: reduce the stress on your loved ones. Funeral preparation may spare your family from having to make tough decisions during a difficult time, as well as lessen the financial pressure on surviving family members. Make a point of expressing your ultimate aspirations.
How much is a basic funeral service?
Funerals typically cost between $7,000 and $12,000. This includes viewing and burial, as well as basic service costs, transportation of remains to a funeral home, a casket, embalming, and other preparation. A funeral with cremation costs $6,000 to $7,500 on average.
Simplicity Funeral and Cremation Services at Glackin Chapel
136 Morrison Avenue | Hightstown, NJ | 08520 | (609) 448-1801